Well the topic may seem like a pretty old concept, yet a vital one in the age of Big Data, Mobile BI and the Hadoops! As per FIMA 2012 benchmark report Data Quality (DQ) still remains as the topmost priority in data management strategy:
‘What gets measured improves!’ But often Data Quality (DQ) initiative is a reactive strategy as opposed to being a pro-active one; consider the impact bad data could have in a financial reporting scenario – brand tarnish, loss of investor confidence.
But are the business users aware of DQ issue? A research report by ‘The Data Warehousing Institute’, suggested that more that 80% of the business managers surveyed believed that the business data was fine, but just half of their technical counterparts agreed on the same!!! Having recognized this disparity, it would be a good idea to match the dimensions of data and the business problem created due to lack of data quality.